Big Easy Desk
Big Easy Desk
Office Co-Working Space
Co-working office space for entrepreneurs, solo-preneneurs, mobile salespeople, transient employees - or any other type of person looking for an office space that's comfortable, flexible, accessible, and offers all the benefits of a permanent office without the overhead and long-term contracts of an office.
Just 2 minutes from Route 8
Big Easy Desk is located in the historic Portage Warehouse building in Cuyahoga Falls, just 2 minutes off Route 8 - only 10 minutes from Akron and 30 minutes from Cleveland.
24/7 Access
Work when you want
You need to work when you need to work! Big Easy Desk offers 24/7 access with secure passcode protected entry whenever you need to work - morning, noon or night!
Flexible Spaces
Couches & Conference Rooms
Big Easy Desk is all about flexibility. You'll find comfy couches, formal conference rooms, and private spaces - whatever you need to perform best in your specific situation.
Check out what people have been saying!
Schedule a Tour Today!
2111 3rd Street
Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44221Mon - Fri, 9am-5pm330-388-0676
Copyright © 2024 Co-working Space in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio